Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I Love Lists

I love lists!! They make my heart happy. In my last post, I talked about my morning routine of catching up on all the fascinating, incredibly talented bloggers I follow. These blogs are filled with information, how-tos, ideas and projects that inspire me to break away from the fear and attempt something new. 

Yesterday was no exception. I stumbled across #30Lists. I was intrigued. What an amazing project!! Apparently this happens twice a year, and has been around for awhile. Why did I not know this before??? 

Starting September 1st, there will be a daily prompt of a list topic. 30 days of writing a daily list. This makes my heart happy!! I have signed up and will begin prepping for this project today. Bring on the pretty papers, the stickers and stamps, and any other embellishments I can find to make my lists all pretty. I have not decided exactly what format I am going to use to record my lists yet, although, I am pretty sure some of them will work their way into my Project Life Album. 

And now, I am off to make a list of all the things I need to be able to make a daily list!! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Autumn projects

What an amazing summer it has been. It  went by way too fast!! There were so many moments of joy. But...I am so ready for Fall. To me, Fall means a new opportunity to start fresh. To set routines and begin new projects. I have always looked forward to this time of the year. I enjoyed the laziness of summer but I am beginning to miss the routines. 

As summer comes to an end, I feel restless. I want to begin so many projects. I am inspired daily by so many others to pick up my paintbrush, take more photos, write...create. Perhaps it is just the change in the weather that makes me want to hunker down and just be more creative. This time of the year always feels like a chance to start new projects, to make new things. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head, now I just need to begin...

My mornings are usually spent reading blogs, being inspired by pinterest or watching tutorials on Youtube. I stumbled across this tutorial on arm knitting...I am hooked!! I am a scarf knitter. That is as far as my knitting abilities have taken me. So this looked like something I could do. The tutorial was easy to follow (thank goodness) and my first infinity scarf turned out awesome!! (Warning - these are highly addictive and habit forming) It is so rewarding to create something. To know that I made these with my own two arms is quite satisfying. Quick, easy and beautiful. 

Now that I have the hang of making these simply adorable scarves, my Christmas list just became that much easier!